Valuation Office Agency (VOA)


The VOA operations virtual roadshow takes place each year, this year, due to the pandemic this needed to be moved virtually online. The Orcula platform welcomed 2,000 delegates to the virtual roadshow offering a wide range of sessions across 3 days.


Operations Virtual Roadshow

Offering a mixture of live and pre-recorded content, delegates were able to register for sessions they wished to visit, including having access to a lunch and market stall each day providing them with a wide range of downloadable content, in addition to videos and other media.

The event was kept online for 3 months after the event had finished.

Features included:

  • Bespoke website and platform to house a 3-day, multi-session event.
  • Live Q&A & Moderation for all sessions, including multiple speaker access
  • Full technical support from conception through to production.
  • Full recording of all sessions and 3-month post-hosting of the entire portal for delegates to re-login and watch any parts again.
  • Captioning provided by real-time dedicated stenocaptioner to all 4 concurrent breakout sessions and all main sessions.

Working with Grant and his team has been very insightful, they made us feel part of their team and this helped form a great working relationship.

The event enabled a wide reach to more than 3 times the usual audience and had exceptional feedback from the organising team and delegates alike.

"My name is Grant Mesie and I am the Operational Engagement lead in Valuations Office Agency (VOA). The Agency is responsible for valuing businesses and residential properties

for business rates and council tax.

I have delivered face to face events for our leaders in Operations for the last few years. These events were delivered to roughly 500 or so delegates.

In covid times we needed a new way to deliver this event. So we contacted Matt and team, and we worked up an approach. One of my ambitions was to broaden our reach, so to include not just line managers but also team members. Using Matt and team, we were able to include far more people. In fact we achieved 2000 sign ups to the website.

Through planning to delivery, I found the team and Matt to be excellent. Feedback from my senior leadership team was fantastic, and they said the delivery exceeded what they hoped, commenting how slick and professional the event was.

Our delegates told us that the event was excellent, giving them a broader sense of what the Agency priorities are. Post event feedback told us that there was 90%+ telling us they would attend future session."

Grant Mesie | Engagement Lead